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Be advised: 
Don't suffer in silence - Help your advisor help you

College is a time of major transition. The Student Success Center plays a critical role in helping you with that transition, putting you on the path to success and enriching your educational experience considerably.

Student Success advising at WVU Tech is an ongoing educational process that provides assistance in navigating the degree process, improving study skills, connecting you to career pathways and to resources across campus. Please explore the SSC website and get to know the advisors and take advantage of their expertise.

Offering an additional layer of support and guidance for first year students (and beyond), SSC advising begins with New Student Advising and Registration. Students then meet with an SSC advisor at least once a semester – or until they are transitioned to their respective program of study – to discuss their long-term and short-term goals, evaluate their academic progress and register for classes.

Working with an SSC advisor gives you the opportunity to work with someone who is dedicated to your success. All they ask is that you follow these two simple guidelines:

  • Seek help from your advisor when you need it, so any problems you face don't become overwhelming.
  • Communicate honestly with your advisor about information he or she may need to know about you in order to help you effectively – this includes information about significant changes (personal/family/financial) that can affect your academic progress.

Our normal practice is for students to be advised by Student Success Center advisors for their first three semesters. Student files are reviewed at that time to ensure the student is ready to be transitioned to a faculty advisor from within their major. Exceptions are made on a case by case basis for reasons such as a student changing their major, needing to repeat a benchmark course, and others.

To learn more about SSC advising, check out our philosophy on advising.

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