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Placement Exam

Placement into Math and English Courses

An integral part of your academic success will be starting in the right courses – taking the correct Math and English courses in your freshman year can affect your entire college experience. Placement is based on:


English Placement

Students with no ACT/SAT/Duolingo score on file or a score too low to place into Engl 101 by itself will be required to take Engl 100, a 2-credit hour Writing Studio course, as a co-requisite to Engl 101.

Math Placement

Students with no ACT/SAT score on file, or who have scores too low to place into Math 126, will begin their math sequence at WVU Tech in Math 122: Quantitative Skills and Reasoning. The ALEKS exam is available to students who meet the following criteria:

No ACT/SAT scores on file


Students wanting to try to test into a higher level math course

The cost for this online exam is $20.00 and it includes three attempts. Students are not able to purchase additional attempts.

ALEKS Placement Exam

  1. New incoming students, if you haven't already done so, set up your WVU Tech Portal. Then watch the video for an introduction to ALEKS. Learn what students and parents can expect from the assessment.
  2. Submit the ALEKS Request Form. Deadline to submit a request is two days before classes begin.
  3. Within 2-3 days you will receive instructions from
  4. Access the ALEKS Placement course in eCampus on your portal. Prior to completing your first attempt, you’ll Pay the nonrefundable fee of $20.00 directly to McGraw Hill.
  5. Complete your PROCTORED attempt. This means you are on camera and using the Respondus LockDown Browser.
  6. After completing your proctored attempt, your score will be recorded to the system. New students will discuss this score along with many other things during the golden bear registration appointment. Current students will discuss the score with the assigned advisor.

Have questions?

Proma Chowdhury, Admissions Counselor

Amanda Baker, Student Success Center Coordinator

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